Ter info: Het lijkt erop dat de lightning-Caldav ondersteuning van Google plotsklaps in storing ligt.
Werkt de Provider nog wel?
Hi - just this morning I noticed that I am no longer able to access/view my google calendar in lightning (within thunderbird). I used to have no issues with this, and they would happily sync between the two. Now when I go into Lightning, my Google calendar is grayed out, and I can't view any events. When I go to "properties", "switch this calendar on" it is not selected, so I check that box, click ok, and it still doesn't work. Going back into properties, I can see that it reverted to not being checked.
I have the location set to https://www.google.com/calendar/dav/[myusername@gmail.com/events. I am still able to view my calendar online. Is this an issue with Google? I haven't changed anything in Thunderbird or Lightning since last night (when it was last working). Thanks for any help!
Om wat voor reden dan ook, werkt hij weer (na opnieuw ingeven login gegevens).
En inderdaad, je linkje klopt, de "oude" provider is niet meer nodig omdat Lightning Caldav ondersteunt (schijnt beter te zijn). Maar de problemen die ik had zitten juist in Caldav.